Not all who wander are lost.

J. R. R. Tolkien

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Good things don't come easy

There are so many things to love about Austin.  Along every road, I discover another gorgeous hilltop view.  These views are filled with natural growing trees.  Among these, the Mountain Cedar tree that grows here that's the most allergenic tree.  The pollen from the tree appears as smoke in the air.  It distributes across the plateau of hill country.  What do ya know...I'm allergic to Cedar.  To prevent the symptoms that come with "Cedar fever", the recommendation is to stay indoors.  AHHH.  It is soooo beautiful here.  How can I stay indoors??  Hmmm, I guess all of God's amazing gifts in the world do not come easy or without sacrifice.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Keeping it weird in Austin

       Have you ever had a random deep, inspirational conversation with a complete stranger?  I’ve had them in the past but I realize now....they are not coincidences.  These interactions, however short they are, happen for a reason.  So don’t be weary to entertain a stranger if you feel compelled. I just had one with a sweet hairdresser.  
Brian, the boys and I have ended the RV journey and are settling our home in Austin, Texas!!  We’re blessed to have a business opportunity open in the beautiful city of Austin. 
Getting back to the hairdresser’s story......she was telling me how she listens to person after person (in her chair) talk of the things they don’t like about themselves, only to do nothing to change.  She described one girl who suffered painful shyness throughout her childhood.  This girl, rather than continuing to live a life of shyness, after graduation, decided to move to China by herself.  This girl stood up to her fear, she challenged herself and changed her life. I was so moved by her experience. 
I could feel God reassuring me during this story - comforting me and reminding me to lean on Him for strength.  We don’t have to go it alone. Leaving Florida, living in an RV, homeschooling, leaving family, friends, sounds exciting, but to a rigid, worrisome soul as myself, it wasn’t easy.  To sustain patience, I had to keep in prayer and His word.  Now, at this time, I’ve never been more at ease about the future of myself, my family and any obstacle that will try to interfere.  With complete faith and focus on Him,  “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13